How To: Grilling
Get the most out of your grill with these tips.

- Basting brush
- Fresh sauce for basting
- Tongs
- Meat thermometer
- Wire brush
- Always open the lid before turning the grill on.
- After grill is lit, close lid to burn off old food; finish cleaning with a wire brush.
- Begin cooking after grill is fully heated.
- Prevent grease fires by keeping the bottom tray and grease catch pan clean.
- Deter critters with a shake of red pepper flakes over the grill after using.
- Stack charcoal in a pyramid shape in the middle of the grill for a more efficient burn.
- A chimney starter will help charcoal heat up quickly and efficiently.
- Let coals burn for approximately 20 minutes, until flames are gone and coals are covered with a white hot ash.
- Distribute charcoal evenly.
- Put the grate in place and let it heat up so chicken won’t stick.
- Charcoal and wood briquettes easily absorb and hold moisture, so keep them in a dry place when not using.
- Ensure doneness with a meat thermometer.
- Refrigerate any leftover chicken or turkey immediately and use within 3-5 days.